Lecture by Leman Çelik on “Data Travel: Where, How, When..?” & Book Launch of Laura Kocksch’s “Fragile Computing”

Join us this Wednesday, June 26th, from 14-16 hrs (German time) for the last RUSTLab lecture of this summer term. Leman Çelik will present her work on “Data Travel: Where, How, When..?” on campus in MB 0/172.

The lecture will be followed by the book launch of Laura Kocksch’s “Fragile Computing: How to Live With Insecure Technologies” from 16 hrs in MB 4/165.

Abstract: Scientific practices of knowledge production have diversified as the pace of data use, storage, sharing, and analysis has changed. Data processing and data analysis have been discussed through the conceptualisation of the data journey (Leonelli, 2016), which encompasses data practices such as data collection, aggregation, cleaning, transformation, storage, analysis, and visualisation. This approach to the data journey raises questions about scientific practices and the socio-materiality of data, emphasising how data maintain their integrity during their journey, and how scientists make sense of data as objects that remain identifiable while their properties, shapes, and formats change throughout their journey. By focusing on the questions of where, how, and when in the journey of data through infrastructures, this talk aims to explore the relationship between scientific knowledge production and data infrastructures. It examines how data infrastructures are used and shaped by scientific practices in different scientific disciplines on the one hand, and how data infrastructures shape scientific data practices and knowledge production on the other. In this talk, I will focus on the data journey in scientific knowledge practices in the fields of biopsychology and humanities. The materials of my ethnographic study, based on interviews and observations at a German university, are discussed not to compare data practices in different scientific disciplines but to address knowledge production in the research processes by emphasising divergent data practices.

Leman Çelik is a doctoral researcher at Ruhr University Bochum, CRC 1567 Virtual Lifeworlds. She completed her undergraduate degree in the Sociology Department at Istanbul University and earned her MA degree in the Political Science and International Relations Department at Yıldız Technical University. As a research assistant in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Işık University, and through courses in the Science and Technology Studies master’s program at Istanbul Technical University, her research interest focused on STS (Science and Technology Studies). Currently, she researches the connection between scientific knowledge production, data practices, and data infrastructures in the subproject A02 Virtual Information Infrastructures: The Data Centre as Infrastructurer.

Location of the lecture: on campus (MB 0/172) and Zoom
Zoom Link

You will find additional resources and information on this term’s guiding theme Replacement here on our website