Python Study Group

print(“Hello Bochum!”)

The Python Study Group at RUSTlab is an open space for everyone who is interested in collectively developing a better understanding of computers, code and programming practices as well as exploring the sociotechnical depth of code and coding with a specific focus on the programming language Python.

Start from scratch or meet other people to dive deeper with. Whether you want to focus on data analysis and visualisation, contribute to an open source project for qualitative data analysis or retrace the history and practices contained in a specific function or library, let’s come together, get the basics (working through “Learn Python 3 the Hard Way”) and find shared interests and projects.

In the previous semester (Summer 2020), we collaborated closely with the Python Study Group at ETHOS Lab of ITU Copenhagen by gathering online on their Discord server. Due to the ongoing pandemic, and a full schedule, we skip our Winter study group. We will be back though!

Please register a Discord account at:
and join us at: .

Any questions?
Please contact Raphael Hemme (raphael[dot]hemme[ät]

Hope to see you (again) soon!