If you use Google Maps or other navigation tools, you can use ‘Technologiezentrum Ruhr’ as a destination to find the building in which the lab is located. However, navigation on campus can be difficult sometimes, so the directions below can help you to find the lab coming from the metro station/main entrance of the campus.
How to find the lab (directions from the U35 metro station to the MB building/Technologiezentrum):
Coming up the stairs of the Ruhr University‘s metro station, turn right and cross the bridge to enter the campus. You will find yourself walking straight towards the university’s library building (UB). On the right side of the building you will find a flight of stairs leading down to the forum.

After going down the stairs, turn right and follow the path leading down to the Q-West restaurant. Turn right before the restaurant’s terrace to reach the M-Südstr., a street running through the campus. Turn left and follow the street until you see a large parking area on your right side. Walk across the parking area and up the stairs located in the middle of it. You will find the main entrance of the MB building/Technologiezentrum right in front of you. The lab is on the 4th floor.