German text below (go there)

The EASST/4S conference (Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds, 18-21st August 2020) used a digital format. Following a call by the organizers, we offered our three lab rooms in Bochum as a space to gather for a collective conference experience.
See below if you want to know more about what we did during the Hub.
Our Programme
We discussed the programme in our team and selected panels that were of particular interest to us (including our own contributions). To give you some background info, here is an overview of the entire conference and its structure.

Below is our own focus. We do not want to overload the hub and also take enough time for breaks, keeping our capacities and health in mind. Free spaces indicate room for creativity. You are also more than welcome to suggest alternative sessions or different topics! We will handle this rather flexible, also during the event itself.
10:00 to 11:40am CEST | Digitalizing Cities and Infrastructure Resilience VR 14 | Making science in public: 2. VR 15 |
BREAK | ||
12:00 to 1:40pm CEST | Making science in public: 3 VR 15 | |
1:40 to 3pm CEST | Lunch Break | |
3:00 to 4:40pm | Unpacking the Foundations of the Current Biometric Moment: Biometric Machinations of Belonging (Abigail) | The ‘elsewhere’ of sociotechnical life at night (Julie) VR 08 |
4:40 to 6:00pm CEST | Social Scientists In Outer Space (organised by the SSOS Network) VR 1 | Artificial Africa: Seeing urban algorithms through infrastructure, labour, justice and aesthetics VR 02 |
6:00 to 7:40pm CEST | Political Data of the Digital Anthropocene: (Justice, Diplomacy and Negotiation) VR 13 (Laura) | Crafting Critical Methodologies in Computing: Theories, Practices and Future Directions VR 14 |
BREAK | ||
8:00 to 9:40pm CEST | Classic STS Papers: Session 3 VR 09 | Digital Experiments in the Making II: Collaborative Creation Of Infrastructures For STS Research |
8:00 to 9:40am CEST | Careful engagements 1, VR 04 | |
BREAK | ||
10:00 to 11:40am CEST | Methods in Studying Data/Natures, VR 16 | Identification, Datafication and Data-Driven Governance VR 03 |
BREAK | ||
12:00 to 1:40pm | The politics of progress, VR 11 | |
1:40 to 3:00pm CEST | Business Meetings/Socials/Exhibits | Business Meetings/Socials/Exhibits |
3:00 to 4:40pm CEST | Decentring datacentres: their politics, energy, waste and epistemics virPrague, VR 02 (Panel organized by Laura, Estrid, Stefan) | |
4:40 to 6pm CEST | Special Session: Bernal Prize Lecture | |
6:00 onwards | Dinner and end of the day |
10:00 to 11:40 am CEST | Fossil Legacies – Projects, Protests and Promises of Phasing Out Coal VR 04 (Stefan) | |
BREAK | Quick lunch/packaged lunch | |
12:00 to 1:40pm CEST | Making Chemical Kin part 1 VR 18 | Waste Encounters in Blasted Landscapes VR 09 |
1:40 to 3:00pm CEST | Social: stsing – doing STS in the German research landscape | |
3:00 to 4:40pm CEST | Business Meetings/Socials/Exhibits | Interventions with, through and in ethnography VR 12 |
4:40 to 6:00pm CEST | Hackers, Maintainers, Programmers and Geeks VR 09 | Meet with NSF STS Program Officer |
6:00 to 7:40pm CEST | The Cultures of New and Old Technomedia III VR 24 (Paula) | Digital Experiments in the Making III: Researching Methods, Tools, And Platforms Within The Datalogical Turn VR 12 |
BREAK | ||
8:00 to 9:40pm CEST | Taking Data Into Account 2 VR 07 | Emerging uses of underground space VR 04 |
End of the day-gathering |
Note that during the entire day there is a special show called “Making & Doing”. We might want to pick some of the events. See more here.
8:00 to 9:40an CEST | Propably sleep-time | Propably here as well |
BREAK | ||
10:00 to 11:40am CEST | Disciplining The Senses 2 VR 10 | Accommodating A Plurality Of Values When Engaging Emerging Technologies In Sustainability Transitions – On Designing For Safety And Security In A Warming World I VR 18 |
BREAK | ||
12:00 to 1:40pm CEST | Lunch BREAK | |
1:40 to 3:00pm CEST | 4S Business Meeting and Prize Announcement | |
3:00 to 4:40pm CEST | Doing STS amid the Procession of Disaster VR 13 | Subplenary |
6:00 to 7:40pm CEST | Holding it Together? Data and Disasters VR 03 | Subplenary |
The infrastructure
Selected events will be broadcasted live in our main lecture room. This is a room for Stream I. Additionally, we also offer two smaller rooms where you can go to in case you need a timeout or if you want to listen to a particular session/paper alone/in a smaller group. One of this rooms will be a dedicated room for Stream II. We can also offer an absolutely quiet room, if this is needed for your own lectures.
While we have spacious rooms and an infrastructure to host a hub, this cannot be a traditional event. We take the virus and its threats serious and will limit the maximum number of participants. Precautions will also be taken with regard to hygiene and air circulation. Coffee, tea and cold drinks can be provided under safe conditions as well. We plan to finish the days with a visit to a restaurant (preferable outside).
Please register
The conference takes place between 18-21st August 2020. The main events will be between the 19th and 20th of August, so this will also be our focus (while we will be in Bochum and the lab on the other days too). Due to the limited space, we would like you to “register” to our event. The event will be free, so this registration is only for safety measure.
Please contact us with a brief e-mail, which also makes the documentation process as swift as possible. Send a message to Preferably with an approximate indication of how many people want to attend from when to when.
Einladung auf Deutsch
Die nächste EASST/4S-Konferenz (Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds, 18. bis 21. August 2020) wird digital stattfinden. Nachdem sich viele von uns monatelang “sozial distanziert” und stundenlang gezoomt haben, sind wir auf der Suche nach direkten Interaktionen. Der beste Weg, dies zu erreichen, ist ein persönliches Treffen. Nach einem Aufruf der Konferenz-Organisator*innen bieten wir unsere drei Lab-Räume in Bochum als Ort der Begegnung für eine gemeinsame Konferenzerfahrung an. Die Tabelle oben gibt das wieder.
Die Infrastruktur
Ausgewählte Veranstaltungen werden live in unserem Haupt-Seminarraum gestreamt. Zusätzlich bieten wir zwei kleinere Räume an, die genutzt werden können, um sich eine Auszeit zu nehmen oder um eine bestimmte Sitzung/einen bestimmten Input alleine oder in einer kleineren Gruppe anzuhören. Das sind die Streams I und II. Wir bieten auch einen absolut ruhigen Raum an, fall dieser für eigene Vorträge benötigt wird.
Wir verfügen zwar über ausreichend große Räume und eine Infrastruktur, um als “Hub” zu fungieren, aber dieses Meeting kann trotzdem keine traditionelle Veranstaltung sein. Wir nehmen den Virus und seine Bedrohungen ernst und werden die maximale Teilnehmerzahl begrenzen. Es werden auch Vorsichtsmaßnahmen in Bezug auf Hygiene und Luftzirkulation getroffen. Kaffee, Tee und kalte Getränke können unter sicheren Bedingungen bereitgestellt werden. Wir planen, die Tage mit einem Restaurantbesuch (vorzugsweise im Freien) ausklingen zu lassen.
Bitte registrieren
Die Konferenz geht vom 18. bis 21. August 2020. Die Hauptveranstaltungen finden zwischen dem 19. und 20. August statt, daher werden wir darauf den Schwerpunkt legen (wir werden aber auch an den anderen Tagen in Bochum und im Lab anwesend sein). Aufgrund der begrenzten Räumlichkeiten bitten wir darum, sich zu unserer Veranstaltung “anzumelden”. Die Veranstaltung wird kostenlos sein, daher dient diese Anmeldung nur der Organisation von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.
Bitte eine kurze E-Mail schreiben, die dann auch den Dokumentationsprozess so schnell wie möglich macht: an Am besten mit einer ungefähren Angabe, von wann bis wann wie viele Personen anreisen möchten.