Lecture by Basil Wiesse on Boundary Manipulations. Investigating Cybersecurity and the Formulation of a Heuristic

Join us this Thursday, January 19th, from 16:15-17:45 hrs, German time, for the first RUSTLab lecture in 2023. Basil Wiesse will present his work on “Boundary Manipulations. Investigating Cybersecurity and the Formulation of a Heuristic”.

The field of cybersecurity is positioned at critical points of digital  infrastructures. This makes the investigation of cybersecurity  sociologically paramount — not only in order to facilitate a deeper  understanding of contemporary societal challenges, but, and for the  purposes of this talk, more importantly, to challenge its own  traditional presumptions of sociality in our digitized present. With the  heuristic concept of ‘boundary manipulations’, developed from the  field’s own reflexive practical emphases, I will present for discussion  one such challenge to sociological theory: Through its practical  affirmation of entropy and disintegration, cybersecurity not only points  us beyond pragmatist ‘creativity of action’ or the praxeological  ‘game’, but formulates a strong critique of our predominant  understanding and pursuit of social order as informed by cybernetics.

Basil Wiesse is a postdoctoral researcher at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. His emphasis lies in praxeology, particularly ethnomethodology. His main  research areas are theories of affect and the development of  qualitative research methods and methodologies in digitally permeated  social settings. For his habilitation project he is currently  investigating working practices in the field of cybersecurity.

Location: on campus (Universitätsstr. 104, 2nd floor, 44799 Bochum) and Zoom
Zoom Link: https://tinyurl.com/RUSTlab

You will find additional resources and information on this term’s guiding theme Data at work here on our website.