Lecture this Thursday: Thinking with Barad

we hope you all find the energy to defy the common “zoom fatigue” in order to join us for our upcoming RUSTlab Lecture on Thursday 25.th of June, 4:15 pm for a talk by Lisa Krall titled: “Epigenetics X Agential Realism: Barad’s Diffractive Reading as Responsible Scientific Practice” and our subsequent discussion.


In her talk Lisa Krall discusses how to read studies from the field of environmental epigenetics with Karen Barad’s agential realism.

Barad developed a diffractive methodology but in her latest work also questions how to further find suitable tools for considering entanglements (Barad 2017).

Lisa Krall discusses how to trace intra-actions and entanglements in epigenetic research and which guiding principles for this project she can find in Barad’s work as well as in epigeneics itself.

Working out such links between Barads work and environmental epigeneics in here PhD project, she proposes an agential realistic interpretation and undertakes a diffractive reading of environmental epigenetics.

You are cordially invited to join us online. On the poster, you find a short link to Zoom, below is the original link and login info.


Meeting ID: 998 8663 5576

Password: raum4?