Lecture with Simon Rothöhler, Florian Sprenger & Estrid Sørensen on “Infrastructuring virtual lifeworlds: Archives, Data Centres and Autonomous Mobility“

Join us this Friday, June 18th, from 9:00-10:00 am UTC+2 (https://tinyurl.com/fekrbze5) to hear Simon Rothöhler, Florian Sprenger & Estrid Sørensen present on “Infrastructuring virtual lifeworlds: Archives, Data Centres and Autonomous Mobility“.

Infrastructures are digital, but they are also virtual in the sense of incorporating potentiality. Infrastructures enable interactions, knowledge and spaces to emerge, while also themselves being shaped through the potentials of interactions, knowledge and spaces. In our talk, we will discuss infrastructures as virtual by addressing three different research areas: virtual archives, university data centres and virtual environments generated through driver assistant systems’ calculations for autonomous vehicles. Driver assistant systems model a world for cars to be able to drive autonomously, without representing this world. Virtual archives generate transformed spheres of potentialities of depositing, sorting and classifying data and of making data accessible. Although impressive buildings, the way in which university data centres actually shape knowledge production seems equally invisible and powerful as the way in which warehouses shape markets and libraries shape understanding and experience. Virtual archives, data centres and driver assistant systems each contribute to shaping new digital infrastructures. We examine the way in which they are also conditions for emergence of virtuality and offer modalities for the virtual to unfold.

All lectures will be live on ZOOM
ID: 998 8663 5576
PW: raum4?

You will find additional resources and information on this term’s guiding theme Data: What are they? What do they do? on our website at https://rustlab.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/join-the-rustlab-lectures-this-summer-2021/.